3 "Gifts" We Are Grateful For in 2020

As 2020 wraps up we are reminded that no matter what the circumstances, there are reasons to be thankful.  As we look forward to 2021 and starting the New Year with momentum, we wanted to take a moment and acknowledge some "gifts" we are grateful for this year.

The Gift of Connection

One of the greatest gifts we have received this past year is the opportunity to appreciate the connections we have.  One of our principle values at recoup is to be connected: to ourselves, to the Earth and to others. This year saw people connecting with their neighbors in new ways, stepping up and supporting their community and building deeper bond with family and friends. 

Like many of you, we are spending the holidays apart from some of our dearest loved ones.  Some across the country, others across the world.  No matter the distance, we are reassured by the love we share and the ability to stay connected, whatever the obstacles may be.  

I'm sure many of us have a family photo like this from 2020.  Not ideal, but a great reminder that are our loved ones are just a call away.

(Susan's Family Christmas Zoom)

The Gift of Support

We are grateful for the support we have received this year from our friends, family, fans and investors.  It is an amazingly positive feeling to know that people believe in you and the things you create.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do. Like many entrepreneurs, we put our soul into our business, so something as small as an instagram like or a word of encouragement can truly make our day.  

We have also been fortunate to have incredibly talented and hardworking interns this past year and we are so grateful for all their amazing work.

(Instagram Post from a friend + subscriber)

The Gift of Health

2020 has put a new perspective for many on the value of staying healthy and taking care of our bodies.  For Siwat, this is not a new feeling or realization. The health issues he suffered in childhood left him acutely aware of the importance of recovery and self-care, but for many, including Susan, day to day health was sometimes taken for granted. We are grateful to have our health this year and to share a product that helps promote a healthy lifestyle for others. We want to ensure we continue to appreciate our physical and mental health so we are starting the New Year with momentum, check out our blog to read about setting your theme for 2021.

(NYT 1984 Spotlight on Siwat)

Keep in touch, send us a note about what you are thankful for this year info@recoupbeverage.com